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A Broader Perspective on Now

originally published post-inauguration, January 2025

Before I take the risk of bringing up anything political in this email, I want to acknowledge you, and your bravery for being here on Planet Earth at this time.


Many are saying that if you're here right now, its because you're already a master and that this life is about fully remembering your mastery.


If you're being negatively impacted by the changes happening now, I'm sending you huge hugs and encouraging you to remember how powerful you actually are.


I'm also going to offer you another way of seeing things in the hopes that it will lighten your emotional load and allow for a broader perspective. Feel free to take it or leave it.




WHAT IF everything you see playing out on the world stage right now is part of a much larger story?


WHAT IF this current president is playing a necessary role in the process of this story? What is his role?


WHAT IF we are still exactly where we need to be and you are receiving everything you need for your highest evolution?




 Seeing Multi-Dimensionally


Have you guys noticed that people are having two totally different experiences of reality right now?


One half the population perceives that our country is being saved and is experiencing great relief, hope and enthusiasm for the future.


The other half perceives that our country is being destroyed and is feeling a sense of imminent threat.


What an interesting (and confusing) time in our history.


So here's an idea for you:


What would it be like to tune into BOTH perspectives at once and to honor both of these emotional experiences as valid before you discount the other side?


The renowned mystic, Matias de Stefano, says that becoming multi-dimensional

(which is what we're all in the middle of doing right now, by the way)

is first about being able to see and hold many different perspectives at once.


So go ahead and ask that weird uncle, or that one oddball conservative/liberal friend you have WHY they hold the perspective that they do.


Try actually listening to that podcast or interview they sent you last year.


Listen with curiosity and not judgement.


Its OK to be clear that you're looking to understand, not to be converted.




Understanding the Source of Our Division


I almost didn't send this email because it seems unwise to try and comment on anything political right now.


But then I came across this short video from Lee Carroll, who has been channeling a being called Kryon for many decades. His message echoes exactly what I intended to say here.


In this video, Lee reminds us about where we are in history and the source of the extreme division.


In short, the old energy is DYING guys and its trying hard to hold on to the status quo, primarily through our news.


One way to do this is to keep us fearful and at odds with each other.


If you'd like some examples of how this has worked in recent history, listen to Lee HERE.


Here's another Lee Carroll clip where he talks about 2025 "The year of Emergence" , essentially stating that 2025 will be whatever we expect it to expect the best.


This can be a beautiful year you guys.

Look for it. Expect it. Receive it. Create it.


In the meantime,


Turn off the news and stay in your heart!


Lots of love,



p.s. If you need some help finding comfort, perspective and direction during this time of chaos there's nothing better than spending time with your team of guides and angels. They are present and ready to help in every session I do. Sign up for a free consultation HERE.  See my full menu of offerings HERE.



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