2024 - A Milestone to Celebrate
A couple years ago, I told you 2020-24 would have its own sort of energetic signature...
...Like a deep detox.
"Not fun and easy, but great for the liver!"
These were the "you'll feel better after" kind of years.
I told you the completion of '23 would mark a crossing into a new
a new phase...
...we would begin to feel lighter, less restricted and more creative!
Do you feel that yet?
Think about the last four years...
If your last four years were a story book, was there a narrative arc?
What would you call your story?
Personally, I feel like I started from a pretty happy place...
...got put through a turbulent wash cycle / meat grinder...
...and was recently delivered back to a pretty happy place.
But I'm kinda different than I was before...
...and I guarantee you're kinda different too.
Its the same place, but a NEW YOU.
Whether you're aware of it not, every challenge you've faced in the last three years has helped you purge your fears, wounds and attachments.
You've gotten stronger because of those challenges.
Now, in this year (and the following three)...
...try and make HOW YOU FEEL a priority.
If the challenges you've been facing have dimmed your light...
...now is the time to begin repairing your heart.
In the coming years, the external world may continue to throw us challenges...
... but now you're strong enough to see those challenges and
CHOOSE to be joyful and celebrate anyway.
Your joy,
and your open heart...
...are some of the most important things you can give to the world right now...
...because the energy you put out literally changes the quality of the collective soup we all swim in.
Know that your energetic contributions
are propping up our friends in more difficult circumstances.
So give yourself permission to feel good...
...be an example of what's possible.
Be YOU full out this year.
And thank you for your contribution.
Cheers to more peace, hugs, and lots more belly laughs in 2024.
Tons of love,